Chuck Osborne:
Detailed Biography
Biographical Highlights
Early Years
Military Career
Aviation Career
Post-Aviation Career
Osborne Family Genealogy
Post-Aviation Career
I was at the height of a very successful aviation career
when I learned during a routine physical that there was a
possibility I was a diabetic. Knowing that this was a
potentially career-ending situation, with the support of my
wife, Rita Palmer, I ended my commercial flying career and
enrolled in business courses at the University of Akron in the
spring of 1989. Having already completed college credits at the
University of Maine many years earlier, I was able to complete
my undergraduate degree two and one-half years later. I majored
in Finance and I graduated, cum laude, in December 1991.
I continued my studies into the master’s program at the
University of Akron in the fall of 1991 and completed my MBA in
the spring of 1994. My area of concentration for my masters’
degree was in management.
A few months before graduating with my MBA, I was offered a
position as a credit analyst with Bank One in Akron, Ohio. In
this position, I gained valuable commercial lending experience
working the commercial lending department. I analyzed financial
statements for businesses requesting bank loans and made credit
recommendations to the credit committee that met on a weekly
I left Bank One after a year and accepted a position with
Green Tree Finance in St. Paul, Minnesota. In this new position,
I nearly doubled my previous salary, and was able to make good
use of my previous finance experience and extensive knowledge of
aviation. As a credit manager in Green Tree’s aircraft lending
department, I was now financing the purchase of aircraft for
individuals and companies throughout the country and routinely
approving loans exceeding $500,000.
Corporate downsizing in banking and finance throughout the
country seemed to be sweeping the industry at this time and
after becoming a casualty of downsizing at Green Tree Finance, I
returned to my home and wife in North Canton in 1996 after
nearly a year away from home.
After returning to Ohio, I landed a newly created position,
Aviation Safety Technician, with the Federal Aviation Agency
(FAA) in the spring of 1998. The downside was that the job was
located in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Southern Florida was a long way from North Canton and my wife
and home, but I relocated hoping that I could transfer to a
location closer to Ohio after some time on the job. That is not
how it worked out. The position with the FAA was so new that job
responsibilities had not been determined, and after a short time
on the job, with no assigned work to do, I resigned and returned
to my wife and home in North Canton.
I spent the next two years working part-time as substitute
teacher in the Stark County Schools and also completed an
internship with the Louisville City Schools, which led to
certification in Ohio as a school treasurer and a school
business manager.
In the fall of 1998, I served as an adjunct college
instructor at the University of Akron’s Wayne College Campus
where I taught a first-year accounting class.
In 1999, I leveraged my knowledge of computers and was hired
by Gateway Computer for a tech support position in Kansas City,
Missouri. I was able to add to my knowledge of computers and
earn several computer certifications while helping Gateway
customers solve their computer problems from Gateway’s phone
The computer experience and certifications obtained while at
Gateway Computer allowed me to secure a position in early 2000
with Time Warner Cable as a Road Runner Technician where I
installed and serviced Time Warner Cable’s high-speed Internet
cable-modem connection, named Road Runner.
After gaining on-the-job computer expertise with Gateway
Computer and Time Warner Cable, I returned to my home and wife
in North Canton and pursued additional computer certifications
through home study and college classes. The computer
certifications and experience has permitted be to work as a
self-employed contractor providing computer technical support.
The flexibility of self-employment has allowed me to pursue a
lifelong interest in city government and eventually run for
North Canton City Council. Since winning the election in November 2001, I have
spent a great deal of time researching the problems the city
faces. I have also become very familiar with how the current
city government works. I have found the position both
rewarding and challenging; I have also found a niche that
permits me to make good use of a lifetime of experience.
As councilman at-Large, I have become convinced that
questioning the actions of the current administration is what
needs to be done if North Canton is to solve its current
problems and move toward a brighter future. I believe that
North Canton legislators can only make wise decision on behalf
of citizens when issues are researched and presented for public
review and discussion.
I also believe that I am particularly well-suited by
education, experience, and temperament to lead North Canton in
an effort to create a city government capable of making the best
decisions possible for its citizens. That is why I have decided
to run for Mayor of North Canton. I hope you will vote for me.

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